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I am Marie-Rose Pippolini.
I am a health practitioner, teacher, a healer and a writer.
I am internationally renowned thanks to the consultations, conferences, workshops and seminars of personal development and energetic re-balancing that I have held and continue to hold in various countries: France, Spain, Portugal, Argentina, New Caledonia,Tahiti, Australia and Hawaii.

During many years, the doctors told me that my condition had stalled and that most of the symptoms I suffered from would remain for the rest of my life. Of course, I believed them up to the day I experienced another reality. At that time, even if my doctor had wanted to discourage me and even scared me of doing something else, I discovered the world of healing and energy. Being that they could not help, I felt free to try other avenues.
Exploring other possibilities I had found results. At last, I wasn’t suffering any more.
So I decided to go thoroughly into this new reality and these new ways of functioning. Each day I applied myself to change. The effects turned out to be wonderful.
I experimented with the power of the positive thinking and the techniques of energetic re-balancing on myself. I experienced the positive effects in my body and in my own life. Therefore, I decided to share my experience by teaching various workshops and seminars of personal development since 1989:

  • “Clarity“
  • “The Inner Voyage“
  • "Healing"
  • “Clarity-Harmony-Balance“
  • “Rainbow”
  • “Workshops for Children”
  • “Yin Yang”
  • “In Peace with the Past”
  • “Abundance et Prosperity”
  • “The Miracle Makers”
  • “For a Better World”

Following the numerous requests from friends and participants of the workshops and conferences, I wrote many books that are the outcome of more than twenty-two years of experience.
My various books, seminars and records of guided meditation are meant to help you discover the immense abilities within you and to use them in order to live healthily, to transform your life in a positive way while making your daily life more harmonious.
Within ourselves, we know everything. My teaching is a reminder of this: the infinite consciousness and wisdom, as a mean to remember, to awake.
With love, I dedicate these pages to all the people who want to go further, to know themselves better and above all, to participate actively to their better-being. Beyond this, to spread this better-being to those close to them. The more people on Earth will act like this, the more this better-being will spread widely for the good of everyone and for the good of all. Thus everyone discovers that he himself plays an active role in the change of humanity.
With love, I dedicate these pages to all the people who want to go further, to know themselves better and above all, to participate actively to their better-being. Beyond this, to spread this better-being to those close to them. The more people on Earth will act like this, the more this better-being will spread widely for the good of everyone and for the good of all. Thus everyone discovers that he himself plays an active role in the change of humanity.
These pages are here as a reminder that every one of us has infinite abilities and the possibility to use them easily.

When there's a will, there's a way

Inside every Being lie enormous and sometimes unexpected resources to transform everything. Thus making changes and improving the conditions of life, by accepting the responsibility of one’s own life, opening oneself to the idea that everything happening in one’s body or in one’s life is not by “chance”, “accident”, “coincidence” or “bad luck”, a Being can therefore stop to behave as a victim and change everything that doesn’t suit him.
How wonderful!
How free it feels!

This is creating one’s own reality!

What a wonderful gift to know that you can do something instead of being subjected to it by moaning and criticizing the others or the circumstances!
Of course, a lot of people would like to change everything or would like the others to change (people or circumstances) without questioning themselves. This doesn’t work.

Remember that you play an important role. Be always conscious that you can participate in improving the state of the world by a complete change of the mind, the heart and the spirit.

Open yourself and put all your good will to make the changes within you and see them reflect on the outside, and more widely in all the areas of your life, and beyond, worldwide.

You have a great responsibility and a great power at your disposal. You just have to learn how to use them for your own good and for the good of everyone. You will see how happy and joyous you will feel knowing that you can do something positive to transform the world you live in.
The more you see the effects of the changes you make. The more you will have the desire to do more and to always go further in the transformations, and these ones will be made more and more easily.

So, act right now and be grateful for knowing that you can do something to participate in the establishment of a better world.

Everything lies between your hands.



All along my way, I became a support for all those who have received the Earth in sharing, our beautiful Blue Planet, our Home.

I don’t belong to any religion, to any group or sect. I am only a health practitioner and a healer sharing her experiences and personal discoveries.

As an individual, I personally want to express my gratitude for the role of support and sharing which is offered to me to spread the Love, the Respect, the Clarity, the Joy and the Harmony, so that everyone can take back the direction of his life and transform it in a soft and harmonious way.



My sincere acknowledgements to all the people close to me for their encouragements and their help of different ways and different levels.
Thanks to my daughter Tamara for her immense and beautiful love along with the gift of her presence in my life.
Thanks to all the friends and participants of the workshops in France, Spain, Portugal, New Caledonia, Argentina, Polynesia-Tahiti, Australia and Hawaii for their love and support for numerous years.
Thanks to Cedric Jacquemin for his help for this website.
Thanks to all the people who were on my path.
Thanks to all of you and to every one.
Thanks to life.